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How to install VSCode in Linux 32-bit?


Well you all know that Visual Studio Code is one of the most used text editor in the world. But I have observed that VSCode is not available for 32-bit Linux users 😢😢... Due to which we use Vim or other IDEs in our old laptops or computers.

But what if I tell you that you can have VSCode running on your 32-bit laptop ? 🤨..... Sounds cool right?.... So let me show you how to install VSCode in 32-bit laptops/PCs .

Before the beginning, let be somewhat motivated with this message by renowned Saint Kabir Das -

Wherever you are is an entry point.

So now, let's goo! 🔥

Step 1 : Install the old version of VSCode

Yes, I know you will leave this post because you will think that I want the latest version of VSCode but you can't get it for 32-bit Linux 😢.. But you can use old version instead which is the VSCode v1.35 which contains all you need for your programming / coding language. So if you are okay with it then let's proceed to the next step -

So first search in google for VSCode below 1.35 -

Then click the first link. Then will open like this ⬇️

Then click on the Linux 32-bit deb like this -

After installing just check in Downloads folder, it looks like this -

After that go to your terminal , and open the Downloads directory. After that write the following command in your terminal -

sudo dpkg -i code_1.35.1-1560349847_i386.deb

*Sorry for the wrong command

Then just check in your apps or by using terminal whether VSCode is installed or not.

If not, them you may have missed something in the above commands ❓

And here is the VSCode installed ! 🥳🎉....

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So see you later ! Bye !

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