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The Notes of Lecture 1 : Introduction and Goals - Data Types, Operators, Variables


 Program is a recipe

    - It has a fixed set of primitives, using them we can program anything

    - There are six primitives to make a better program

    - But we will discuss afterwards

    - To describe the recipe, we want a language.
    - There is no best language
    - And we are going to study Python.

High vs Low

- High language is the language which can be read and code by programmer.
- Low language is the language which contains a high complexity codes which can be understand by machine easily.

General vs Targeted

- General Language is a language which can be used for general-purpose like for making a calculator.  Eg : C 
- Targeted Language is a language which is used only for specific topic such as MATLAB which is used for solving matrices and graphs.

Interpreted VS Compiled

- Interpreted language is operating directly on the runtime. 
- Compiled Language is much faster in execution than the interpreter.

Let's talk about Python :

- Firstly, Python is a high-level language
- Its a general purpose language
 - And its interpreted.

- Syntax basically says what are the legal expressions.
- Semantics - what does the program means ? What's gonna happen
- Style - You must write in a way which will lead to better programming

Basics of Python

- int, float and strings = values
- Arithmetic Operators = +-*/

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